Wednesday, October 28, 2020

How photographer mentor was sleeping with Models and makeup artist

 Teni (not her real name) happens to be a very slim tall lady was born into a family of two kids and happens to be the first daughter.

He unique height and glowing black skin gave her out with her pretty smile.
She became face of her school, Sport house Queen and that was how she grew passion for modeling.
She was just in secondary school and she was ready to be models like Naomi and Agbani. 
Teni wasn't born into wealth but to an average family and she was ready to take advantage of her height and beautiful skin since she wasn't too sound academically. 
While in secondary school a lot of major makeup houses invited her to model for them. That way she met a lot of photographer, light guys, cinematographers, makeup artist and more models. 
She knew she was very good at anything fashion so she decided to learn makeup while she waited for her result. So she asked all those big makeup houses she had worked with and the fee was too much for her parents to afford. 
On a beautiful Thursday evening she got a  call from one photographer she has worked with when in secondary school about a job. He needed her for a shoot on Saturday and she gave consent that she will be available 
What else will a free secondary school graduate do when her parents can't even afford to pay a hundred plus for her makeup class. She jumped at the offer and went out. When she discovered it was a big job and that could help her modeling career. The shoot couldn't hold that day but she was to come back  Wednesday for the shoot.
She arrived early on Wednesday and her hair was made, nails fixed and make up done. She was dressed in a very beautiful Igbo bridal dress. And the shoot took more than 3 hours with 4 different outfits. 
After the shoot she was paid 100k which was very encouraging meaning she could now learn makeup and start immediately. 

(Remember to follow for idea development, safety tips as well as real life stories to motivate and guide you through some experiences @peesee_ on twitter )
Before she left the studio the photographer asked her to see him. He told her to enroll in a modeling class his photography studio runs so he could polish her on one or two things 
She felt it wasn't a bad idea so she told him she will think it over and feed him back. She got home very excited to show her parents that she got a job worth of 100k and that she could use that to start makeup. Only to get home and met her sibling crying. 
Dad was involved in a crash & was reportedly admitted, her mum needed money to deposit for operation to commence. She asked how much they needed & he said 200k and that mummy has 100k. She picked her phone and called mummy to know which hospital & she immediately left for the hospital.
So 100k was left🤦‍♀️.
She felt bad but she wasn't ready to loose her dad so she gave her mum the money after explaining where she got it from.
They paid for the operation and doctors moved into the theater for swiftly. Mummy was scared crying and praying while Teni sat there unhappy that this happened when she had money but her dad needed it. She was also happy she had the said amount to help her dad. 
While her dad was under going the operation teni slept off. Do you blame her? She had a long day. She woke up next morning and was told her dad didn't survive the operation.
She felt so weak that she almost fainted 
She lost her dad!
How was she going to cope, her mum wasn't doing anything. Her dad was the one working so he provided every single thing they needed at home. Her mum was admitted immediately as she fell when she got the news.
 Things became so hard for teni. 
They left the hospital after the third days and went home to mourn the death of their father. 
While mourning , their landlord come to embarrass them for not paying house rent, he kept saying I know you lost your husband but I need my money, I cant starve to death too. This lines hurt the family so much but they could go nothing.
They were cut up with no food, no job, no father, no money to pay house rent and get other utility bills.
Makeup dreams are dead.
She needs a job or they will starve to death. Her friends came around to visit and some came with something for the family which wont last them more than few days.

On the last day of mourning her Dad, Teni got a call to resume at one of the major photography studio in Lagos. One of the photographer she worked with who came around during the mourning period linked her up as a studio assistant. Her major work at the studio was to receive clients, document them, clean the studio and equipment.
She resumed with high spirit because that money is all her family has to depend on. She resumed early and prepared for the day as most clients were big shots as well and celebrities. Bookings were most time done via calls days before and part payment made.
Things went all well until after a year the photographer started showing interest in her. She was just 19years of age. He was a very handsome dedicated photographer who was well travelled and matured. Many ladies were after him but she didn't take time to notice anything fishy. He kept making advances, being very nice and ensuring she had money on her regularly. 
One days the closed from shooting early and other workers left, she was counting equipment returned when he tickled her, she was of cause very angry but he smiled and said I'm just playing with you. She let it slide and many more of this nature kept happening.
Teni began to like Femi (not his real name) Femi took her home, gave money to her family and assisted them when the need arises., took her on dates and the bond grew stronger.
Teni's mother at first wasn't in support of the relationship but when money got involved she kept quiet. Femi formally asked her out and she agreed to be his girlfriend. The bond and affection grew over time and teni now took up responsibilities like the studio was hers. 
This made her realize and notice funny behaviour in the studio. Some young ladies will come for shoot and Femi wont collect a dime from them claiming its his friends girlfriend, they are friends, one story or another. Days when they have night shoots she never stays. She will prepare what is needed and leave. 
Next morning she resumed and found condoms in the studio. There are two  guys in the studio working with Femi. When she raised the issue Femi said it must be one of the boys and that he will warn them. He acted very serious and angry and teni believed him.
He had this model training session he takes twice a week and he had over 7 models who comes around for the class and makeup sessions which eventually leads to shoots. This girls were to clingy to Femi and wanted attention from him any time they were around. 
Femi would apologies to Teni much after and it became a normal thing. 
On this faithful day during the regular model training session a mother and her child came in shouting and looking for Femi, Femi tried begging her to come inside his office so they settle the issue but the woman refused.
She was the mother of one of the models Femi was sleeping with. He has not only infected her with STDs but has aborted twice for Femi and is with child for him. She kept screaming you will marry her, the other young models were surprised and started speaking up that Femi is their boyfriend, he promised them links to big connect in in modeling and some in acting. So he was sleeping with all of them. The pregnant model said the day they had sex in the studio the condom broke. 
Femi kept insisting he didn't impregnate her. Models mum followed his answer with a slap. while they were on this another lady came in to see Femi for giving her daughter STDs and that her daughter has been complaining of stomach pain for one week they thought it was the regular pre menstruations cycle not until she fainted and was rushed to the hospital.
Femi got the beating of his life from different women as well as he was arrested. Teni had to leave much after when most of the makeup artists turned down jobs with them saying her boss was a pig. She got to know who Femi really was but was happy she insisted on no sex in the relationship.  Her mum got a job with one client who she met while in Femi's studio while Teni got admission with 80% scholarship to study a fashion related course abroad. 
Presently Teni is in her third year and called via Whatsapp to share this story.
Femi is now very sick, she later found out he wasn't the owner of the studio that the owner was abroad and contracted Femi to manage the place.

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